Friday, July 26, 2013

How To Submit Site URL To Directories

Now I will tell you about do follow web directory submission. The Directory Submission is one of the most powerful do follow back-link any website or blog site. Directory submission is one of the part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Directory submission is quality Do follow Back-link and high quality traffic. There are two types of web directory submission services available: Firstly: automated and Secondly:  manual.

Free web directory site submission is a great source of links. Free web directory submission approval any site very late and sometimes site rejected. On the other hand, paid web directory submission offers a premium service with faster approval times. You submit your site suitable category after which editor review your site and accept or reject. Before you submit your site you follow some rules.

The following sites will NOT be accepted

1. Web Sites lacking quality content and under construction.
2. Web Sites with duplicate content from any other site.
3. Web Sites that promote warez or hacking or cracking content.
4. Your Sites already listed.
5. Social pages such as Twitter pages, Facebook pages, Linkedin pages etc.
6. Some Directory Non-English sites can not accepted.

Guidelines while you submitting to Directories

1. Make sure your sites is 100% completed.
2. Nice look design, fast loading pages and quality content.
3. You choose the appropriate suitable category your site fits into.
4. Your website must be in English.
5. Do not submit a website that are under construction.

1 comment:

  1. watch submit to
